There will be a lot of times when you look at the mirror, all you can feel is frustration - turning into sadness. Because yes, it is normal for a women to feel ugly sometimes.

I am guilty of this. Other part of me keeps whispering that I look bad and that I should stay inside and lock myself in my room so that no one can see me. And the good side of me keeps telling me that I am a human and human can't have perfect skin. But the other, bad part, of me whispers loud enough for me to hear. 
And so, that would turn out to not do anything. Just lay on my bed in my pajamas and messy hair.

Hi gorgeous! If you are reading this, I know the reason. Because duh. What else would be, right?
Anyway, I have some advice for you if ever you are in that times of desperation, frustration and confusion. Honestly, I do often feel that way. Specially if you have some toxic people around you that would even make you feel bad about yourself. So I can perfectly relate that's why I wanted to do something like this to at least help a little bit. I know the feeling.

Some people would say that I am over reacting because there is nothing wrong with my face and humans can't have perfect skin; that all humans have flaws and that is normal. But you can't just help it. There is this voice that keeps telling you, "you are ugly".
This issue has been around for a very long time
since the standard of beauty begun. 

So, here are my two tips for you if ever you are feeling that way. Just remember to ALWAYS FIGHT. Keep motivating yourself to do this. You've heard it a lot because you often forget it. It is a reminder that people keeps forgetting. 

n u m b e r o n e : T A K I N G C A R E O F Y O U R S E L F
this can be pretty obvious but at times like that, you really don't feel like doing anything. it's not that you are lazy or something. that is normal, don't worry. but please, taking care of yourself should be your priority. instead of loathing and focusing on your flaws, get up and do some
i know that is easier said than done. i've linked my current skincare routine if you are interested to know mine. but i'm kind of like interested to do the ten-steps routine. i know, that sounds like a lot of things to do (and expensive) but i'm looking forward to try it out someday. taking care of your skin will make you feel better even if you don't feel like doing it, push yourself. trust me.
taking care of yourself includes e a t i n g h e a l t h y . cut out all the toxic food on your plate. junk foods, that's why it's called junk food because it is junk.
here are some of my very own easy recipe that may help you.

note: in-taking food supplement will benefit you too.

of course here comes drinking a glass of water but after drinking that, prepare this smoothie and drink it 10-20 minutes before your actual breakfast.
slices of frozen strawberries
slices of frozen raspberries
slices of frozen blackberries
slices of frozen blueberries
slices of frozen kiwi
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup milk
just blend everything on the blender
 note this may taste sour but as you get familiar with the taste, this will taste SOOO GOOD!

after drinking that merry berry smoothie, prepare this breakfast for 10-20 minutes so you can have time to absorb the nutrients you just took.
note: this is not my very own recipe. i've read this somewhere and just made my own version.

eat everything in here since this is breakfast and it requires you to eat heavy!

1 small sweet potato; baked and cubed
1 cup baby romaine or spinach
1 tbsp dried cranberries
for the dressing
1/2 cup almond milk
2 tbsp almond butter
2 pitted dates

-blend all the dressing ingredients on high
-toss all the vegetables and cranberries together and top with the sauce

1 piece of bread (or two if you want)
1 egg
2 stripes of bacon
salt and pepper to taste

-toast bread
-fry egg and bacon *optional add salt and pepper to taste
-add the fried egg and bacon on top of the toasted bread

just drink two glasses of water after your meal

if you are hungry and still got two hours before 11-12, you can eat 1/2 cup of assorted nuts. do not eat more of that.
or you can eat one piece of bread. 
eat anything that can serve as an appetizer for your actual lunch.

you can eat rice and a side dish here.
just cook rice and eat 1 cup of it.
here's a recipe for the side dish.

salmon fillets
juice of 1 lemon
ginger, peeled and grated
garlic, minced
olive oil
pinch of salt
pinch of chili pepper

-in a bowl combine olive oil, lemon juice, ginger, chili peppers, garlic and salt
-place salmon fillets (with the skin side up) in a shallow dish and pour the mix solution over it. cover for 30 minutes in the refrigerator
-preheat oven in 350 F (180 C)
-line baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly greased with olive oil
-place the salmon on the prepared baking sheet and drizzle some of the marinate over them
-cover with aluminum foil and bake for 15 minutes
-after that, broil for 3 minutes (or until top is golden brown)


it is like three hours before dinner and you feel like you're hungry. avoid eating junk food as what i have said earlier. this time, you can eat frozen yogurts, nuts or carrot sticks. 

dinner time should be mild and should not exceed at 8-9 PM. by this time, you can just eat a fruit or vegetable salad. or even drink a smoothie.

I'm not saying that you should follow what I have written here. This is just my guide for those who are have "stress-eating" act. Or for those that don't have an appetite in eating. Trust me, doing this in your kitchen can at least make you feel better. How much more eating them, right? 
Taking care of yourself also includes b a l a n c e l i f e s t y l e . i know, what i've written here are all pretty obvious, but are you doing it? that's the point. the simple and little things that matters and you forgot to do them. having a balance lifestyle does not only revolves around proper and daily exercise, eating balance diet, etc., but it also includes relationships. 
this is pretty hard. but honestly, relationships are not that bad and isn't that complicated either. first, you have to love yourself. have a healthy relationship with yourself and everything else will follow. do this and the universe will do the rest. there's a lot of conspiracies that's going to happen but do not let this affect your well being. avoid toxic relationships with another human being. this is another easier said than done phrase but those eyebags are not worth it for them. it is not easy to just cut off relationships specially if you see them everyday. but pray and believe that everything happens for a reason. this is always true that's why you always hear them.
remember, healthy relationships (whatever relationship it is) will lead you into having a healthy mind, soul and spirit. 

stimulate your self confidence, a true and genuine confidence, only by accepting yourself. the rest will follow.

n u m b e r t w o : T A K I N G C A R E O F T H E N A T U R E

this is a tip that focuses on your surrounding than yourself. contradicting, you may see. but honey, it is not. in fact, giving something for the benefit of the people around you will help you love yourself even more. you see, giving something, even a small smile to the people around you can make their day better. always remember that giving is better than receiving because you are in that place where you are able to give. i've been hearing it for sixteen years and i only understood it when i am seventeen. i just learned the beauty of it and i can't help but to tell it to others and pray inside my heart that someday, i can be able to give. 
take care of the animals, of the plants. and it will have a domino effect. 
start small.
fix your bed.
then your closet.
then your room.
then your house.
then your garden, etc.
tell your mom and dad you love them.
play with your sibling.
support your friend.
help a cat.
feed a dog.
rescue animals.
water the plants.
these simple act are actually an act of love. be a blessing to anyone. smile often. you don't have to give money if you don't have. a simple words of encouragement can lighten up someone. don't be a meanie. avoid toxic people so you shouldn't be one. 

take care of nature. and you will see it's beauty. and the beauty inside you.
