Hello, guys! I am super excited for my upcoming #MinimalismGiveAwayContest! I will be going to post the mechanics and T&C’s on that giveaway post itself so you don’t have to read this. But this post will help you understand the purpose of my #MinimalismGiveAwayContest and what it is all about.

2nd giveaway contest 2017

First things first, what is Minimalism? 
According to Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus from The Minimalist — “Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelming. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.”

I wanted to share the same thought with you guys because I know a lot of people that take things they don’t need and ends up in a pretty bad situation. I will make myself as an example. Before, I thought that in order to be pretty I need to have tons of makeup. Though it’s good to have a collection but I can’t really use them all so it’s just a waste! Plus, all the makeup in the world won’t make a person less insecure so that just made me feel sad. But I realized that it should not be the case. Balance diet and exercise, taking care of your skin and having a cleansed spirit will do.

So, this giveaway will teach us to only take things that we need in order for us to have freedom. The more you have, the more you become greedy. I know you are getting my point, right?

My #MinimalismGiveAwayContest contains an affordable yet effective everyday makeup and skincare products that every women should have. What’s the point in having a lot of expensive products when you can get the affordable ones but does the same thing? 

And that will be it! I hope you learned something— even a little bit. And I hope I helped! Thank you so much for supporting me guys!

Always have a nice day, loves!
Love you ♥️

PS. I do not discourage you to buy expensive makeup or skincare. It is really up to you. My point is, just take the things you really need.
PPS. This giveaway is in no way sponsored or partnered with any company. This is from my hard work and I just wanted to share the blessings with you. 

x o x o 
crmsnchrysnths  ♡ 

My minimalism giveaway contest will be posted on my Instagram @crmsnchrysnths and will be linked on my Facebook page
The mechanics and T&Cs will be posted on that same post.



  1. I am super excited too for your giveaway contest 🙂

    1. Join here

  2. Excited for whats in store on your page!

  3. I'm so excited for this giveaway.. 💖💖 insta id @smartgl_me


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