Every one almost got no time to fix oneself. Got to wake up early, take a quick bath then will be off to school/work.
It is a tiring cycle wherein someday, you'll just going to find yourself breaking down; Your health - physically, emotionally and mentally.

And your skin will reflect it the most.

So I'm giving you my routine that I hope will help you!


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Yes, you heard it a lot. Sleep for 8-10 hours a day. But who in the busy world would have time for that, right? Sleeping with a quality instead of quantity is what i meant. It is better for you to get a peaceful five hours of sleep with no disturbance, distractions, etc., than having twelve hours with lots of interruptions.
Meaning, you can only achieve that only if you are peaceful within. And if you are, that will reflect on your skin. You will glow naturally and will achieve that healthy looking skin you want.

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Listen here lovelies, in-taking lots of water will make your skin thank you. Always keep hydrated. Always, always, always. Now, how many glass of water shall I take for a day? The answer is it depends on your health. Also, take note that the water you are drinking should be clean and chemical-free. It should also be low in sodium or does not have sodium at all.
If you drink enough water, the result will be (1) having soft skin (2) specially your lips. It will not dry off. Also, (3) you can have acne-free skin. Because water cleanses your body. It removes toxic resulting to a (4) cleaner, healthier body. You can also (5) feel refreshed and hydrated, meaning you are energized throughout the day. It also helps you (6) prevent having bad breath. And (7) there's a lot more good benefits drinking enough water for day.
And when eating outside, always choose water instead of soft drinks, sodas or any drinks that is high in alcohol, sugar, sodium. Also be reminded that always check the label before buying it. If you see ingredients that you are not familiar of, better leave it on the shelf.


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[Note: Comment if you want me to write a healthy diet recipe]

Eating a balanced diet does not mean you are going to skip breakfast and eat heavy-full in the after noon. Eating a balanced diet means eating a balanced diet.
Here's my sample eating method I do.
6-7AM I drink a glass of water.
7:30-8AM I drink a glass of water before eating my breakfast. [Want to know my breakfast recipes?]
Note: Do not eat breakfast after 9AM. Your body needs energy, nutrients at 7-9AM. Eat your breakfast at that time.
10AM Drink water
10:30AM Time for a smoothie! [want to know my recipeeeee?]
11AM-12PM Lunch time! You can eat heavy meal in here. :)
12-3PM Remember to drink water in between this time. Twice,thrice or 6th time. Just keep yourself hydrated. And when you get that urge to eat junk food, just drink water.
4PM Go eat almonds or some nuts.
6-7PM Dinner time! Keep in mind that it should be light but will make you feel full. Also, healthy of course.
Remember that you should not eat after 8PM because it will affect your sleeping time. 

If you are healthy within, it will reflect your outside appearance. Always remember that.

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I completely understand if you don't have the time to go to gym and work your ass out there. But honey, give time for your body. For at least five minutes, do some stretching, running in place, etc. Do something for your muscles, your bones, your body. It will also do wonders for your skin. Excreting extra body sweat, and/or toxic will. So stand up and jump, move for at least solid five minutes.

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Now, my last everyday routine tip is to: Take a bath.
Are you kidding us? Of course we take a bath!
Yes I know. But my point is, after a very long tiring day, you should relax yourself with a warm, relaxing bath. Sooth your skin, and your stress will go away. It will bring peace in your insides. 

Because the key for a healthier, brighter looking skin starts from the inside. Yes, there are lots of beauty products that will make your skin look good but it will always gonna "worn-out". So start from within and it will give you a natural healthy, radiant-looking skin.

THAT WAS BASICALLY IT! Thank you for reading loves! Leave a comment below. Much love! xoxo
